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Merk: Geopacks Advanced Fl
Tipe: Geopacks Advanced Fl
Kondisi: Baru
Terdaftar sejak: 7 November 2019
No Telpon: 0821-XXXX-XXXX
No Handphone: 0821-XXXX-XXXX
The new GEOPACKS Advanced Stream Flow Meter connects to the same sturdy impeller stick as the standard MFP51 meter but boasts a much more sophisticated meter which does away with the need for conversion charts. The new meter displays velocity in units of metres per second or mph and has an inbuilt logger function that allows you to choose between manual logging and auto logging. Auto logging allows you to take a reading at programmed intervals, say every 5 minutes, and record the result. All readings are then stored in a CSV file that can easily be downloaded to your PC via the mini USB cable provided. Powered by a standard AA battery ( included) , the Flowmeter also comes with a carrying pouch for added protection, a collapsible impeller stick and a compact case for transporting and storing the whole kitTOKO MARGA SETIA SURVEYBerdagang alat- alat Kelautan, Alat Selam, Perahu Karet,Alat Keselamatan,GPS Garmin, GPS Magellan, Alat Survey, Alat Ukur dan Aksesoris Alat Ukur.Current Meter.Anemometer ,Anemometer Wireless,Weather stationUntuk keterangan, nego harga dan informasi produk lainnya, hubungi :Name : tatang surveyAlamat : Jl .H.Kelik No.20 RT.03 / RW.08 Kelapa Dua Kebon Jeruk Jakarta BaratEmail : Telp : 082124100046WhatsApp :082124100046