Jual Rebar Locator Profoscope Proceq Call 082124100046

Kalimantan 7 November 2019


Rp 123

Tangggal iklan:

Kota: Kalimantan

Merk: Procq

Tipe: Rebar Locator Profos

Kondisi: Baru


Terdaftar sejak: 7 November 2019


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Jual Rebar Locator Profoscope Proceq Call 082124100046

Rebar Locator Profoscope

category :    Non destructive testing / Rebar Locator

brand :    Proceq

item    :    Profoscope

The Profoscope is a versatile, fully-integrated rebar detector and cover meter with a unique real-time rebar visualization allowing the user to actually “SEE” the location of the rebar beneath the concrete surface to a maximum depth of 180 mm. This is coupled with rebar-proximity indicators and optical and acoustical locating aids. Rebar diameter can also be estimated within the specified testing range. The Profoscope combines these unique features in a compact, light device that allows the user to operate this rebar detector with one hand making the task of locating rebars a simple and efficient process. In addition, Proceq’s rebar detector convinces through its intuitive user interface making rebar detection easy.

Profoscope functions:

    Rebar detector

    Measurement of concrete cover

    Measurement of rebar diameter

    Checking for minimum cover

Marga Setia

Pusat Jual Alat Survey Indonesia

Metode Pembayaran  :

Pembayaran dapat dilakukan dengan cara Cash On Delivery / Transfer Bank. * C.O.D. ( Cash On Delivery / Bayar ditempat) Khusus untuk wilayah ” Jakarta” kami melayani pemesanan dengan cara pembayaran di tempat anda, Prosesnya :

1. Setelah Kami dapat PO / DP

2. Pesanan anda kami antar ke tempat anda

3. Setelah anda terima silahkan cek kelengkapan dan kualitas barang

4. Bila sudah ‘ OK’ dan tidak ada masalah baru dibayar Pembayaran ditempat bisa dalam bentuk tunai ataupun Transfer .

5. Untuk Pemesanan dan Informasi Harga Terbaik, Hubungi :

tatang ms 082124100046

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