Tangggal iklan:
Kota: tangerang
Kondisi: Baru
Nama: alisurvey
Terdaftar sejak: 15 September 2014
No Telpon: 0813-XXXX-XXXX
No Handphone: 0878-XXXX-XXXX
MSA Altair® 4X Multigas Detector : O2, CO, H2S, LEL
he ALTAIR 4X Multigas Detector surpasses industry standards in several crucial areas. Its four-year sensor life is 60% longer than the industry average, while its 24-hour run time exceeds the industry average by 71% . This versatile portable detector is a perfect match for industries ranging from fire fighting to welding, and its digital sensor output makes it less likely to suffer from RF interference. The unit features exclusive MotionAlertâ„¢ , which lets others know if the user has become immobile, and InstantAlertâ„¢ , a manual alarm that alerts others of potentially dangerous situations. This rugged unit is designed to withstand a drop of up to 20 feet and uses less than half as much calibration gas as the industry average.
Features & Benefits
MSA Altair® 4X Multigas Detector : O2, CO, H2S, LEL
Rp 18.000.000
Rp 17.200.000
Rp 5.000.000
Rp 5.300.000