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Kota: Bogor
Kondisi: Baru
Soil Profiler Sampler
30" Long sampler takes 7" deep x 4" wide x 1" thick undisturbed soil profile that can be replaced or dried and mounted for further reference. Simply raise instrument approximately one to two feet above turf and quickly drive it straight down, pushing with your foot until a desired depth of up to 7" is reached. Remove sampler, unscrew and remove top half of blade to observe soil sample. For added durability, bottom half of blade is welded to handle. To replace soil sample, hold hand over open face of cutter blade and insert sample back into turf, then lift blade straight up leaving sample. Stainless steel construction and non-slip grip handles.
Catatan: Diameter Mata bor, Jenis Material, dan Kedalaman bisa dipesan sesuai dengan kebutuhan konsumen.
Manufacture - Steel Fabrication - Welding - Machining - Supply - Tradding
Kantor Pusat :
Jl. Raya Johar No.26 rt.005 rw.004 Kel.Cibadak, Kec.Tanah Sareal Kota Bogor 16161
Workshop Alief Teknik :
Jl. Raya Brigjen Saptadji No.01 Bogor 16112
Nomer Telp : (0251) 8329302; 3686754; (021) 44518655
Nomer Fax : 0251-8329302
Mobile : 0857 1803 5424; 0857 1603 7195; 0878 7232 3646; 0852 2800 6978; 0813 1421 0880 (ONLINE 24 JAM)