Tangggal iklan:
Kota: Tangerang
Kondisi: Baru
Nama: Antoni Hadi Saputra
Terdaftar sejak: 20 April 2012
No Telpon: 0813-XXXX-XXXX
No Handphone: 0878-XXXX-XXXX
Razer Naga 2012
Effortlessly access more spells, abilities, and macros with a total of 17 mouse buttons, including Razers revolutionary 12-button thumb grid. The new Razer Naga features 2 mouse buttons behind the scroll wheel to deliver better ergonomic control as you game.
Harga sudah nett. Belum termasuk ongkos kirim. No COD. No Bid & Run. No tipu menipu ditipu.Pemesanan SMS or BBM only:
No. HP: 0857 8027 4477
Kami tidak bertanggung jawab jika pembayaran dilakukan diluar no. rekening di bawah ini:
- Rekening BCA: 7640 44 6336 a.n. Antoni Hadi Saputra
- Rekening BNI: 0279 21 4607 a.n. Antoni Hadi Saputra
- Rekening Mandiri: 900-00-1276350-5 a.n. Antoni Hadi Saputra
- Jasa Rekber terpercaya INAPAY. INAPASS : 12103766 a.n. Antoni Hadi Saputra.
Samsung Galaxy Tab 2,7" GT-P3100 16GB
Rp 3.750.000
Power Bank Super Power 5600mAh
Rp 235.000
Rp 265.000
Rp 280.000