Tangggal iklan:
Kota: Tangerang
Kondisi: Baru
Nama: Antoni Hadi Saputra
Terdaftar sejak: 20 April 2012
No Telpon: 0813-XXXX-XXXX
No Handphone: 0878-XXXX-XXXX
Mouse Razer DeathAdder Blue (Left Hands)
For all the left-handed gamers out there, your long hours of using gaming mice that do not fit are over. With the Razer DeathAdder Left-Hand Edition, Razer is covering new ground. The first gaming grade mouse dedicated solely to left-handed professional gamers was conceived because when it comes down to it, you want to know you are perfectly equipped with precision and comfort.
Harga sudah nett. Belum termasuk ongkos kirim. No COD. No Bid & Run. No tipu menipu ditipu.Pemesanan SMS or BBM only:
No. HP: 0857 8027 4477
Kami tidak bertanggung jawab jika pembayaran dilakukan diluar no. rekening di bawah ini:
- Rekening BCA: 7640 44 6336 a.n. Antoni Hadi Saputra
- Rekening BNI: 0279 21 4607 a.n. Antoni Hadi Saputra
- Rekening Mandiri: 900-00-1276350-5 a.n. Antoni Hadi Saputra
- Jasa Rekber terpercaya INAPAY. INAPASS : 12103766 a.n. Antoni Hadi Saputra.
Samsung Galaxy Tab 2,7" GT-P3100 16GB
Rp 3.750.000
Power Bank Super Power 5600mAh
Rp 235.000
Rp 265.000
Rp 280.000