Yoga Studio- Balinese Yoga Studio, Yoga Class, Workshop, Retreat.

Lungsiakan, Kedewatan, UBud, B 29 Juni 2011


Rp 500

Tangggal iklan:

Kota: Lungsiakan, Kedewatan, UBud, B

Kondisi: Baru


Terdaftar sejak: 4 Juni 2011

Status: Guru Made Sumantra

No Telpon: 62(3-XXXX-XXXX

No Handphone: 0878-XXXX-XXXX


I was born in Payogan village, near to Pucak Payogan temple from the parents named I Wayan Darpa and Ni Nyoman Suandi. Now, I live in Lungsiakan village, Kedewatan, Ubud, Gianyar.

I have been interested in mysterious and mystical things since I was in childhood. Secretly, I kept looking for a spiritual teacher to guide me. When I was a child, the people in the village blamed me as a strange boy because I always spent my time in Pucak Payogan temple.

Those people didn’t understand what I felt. Every day, I always isolated myself in this temple by praying and doing meditation only because I felt comfortable. At that time, I had no idea about what is called Yoga and Spiritual. I couldn’t even explain them. All I knew was just I was attracted by the power of that temple. I really had no shame to be blamed as a crazy boy by the people around me. Finally, a white-bearded old man came and guided me mysteriously. It happens every day until now. Then, that old man gave me money which contained the core of spiritual theory. It was just like a holy book that he gave to guide me. I still keep this money in my meditation room. From the theory contained in the money I got guidance about Hindu Yoga, Buddha Yoga and Tao Yoga. From those kinds of Yoga, The Balinese Yoga that I teach now comes into being. Besides that, the theory of Dasa Vayu which can be used to heal and harmonize the world is also taught. Now, while practicing charity I learn a lot about Holistic Healing, Ayur vedic Healing, Balinese Healing (Usadha Bali), including the other kinds of Holistic Healing. All the things I learn improve my spiritual knowledge. I also found Windhu Siwa Yoga Foundation with several friends who have the same way of thinking with me. This foundation is used as a place to learn spiritual based on the noble universal spiritual and culture which is undefeatable. In my daily life, I am inseparable from my activities as a healer, spiritual advisor, and Yoga Instructor. There are so many kind-hearted people from this country and even the other countries come to be healed, to practice Yoga, and consulting about spiritual. I had been invited to various countries to train Yoga and conduct seminar concerning to Yoga. Hopefully, this lesson is useful for all of us and also the world.

History Balinese Yoga.

Yoga can be generally defined as unification and relationship. What kind of unification? It means the unification of one self, in this case the soul (Atman) with the mighty god so that the life of the creatures will be based on the divinity awareness. By practicing it, hopefully the peaceful in the world can be created. Yoga is a life practice which is the application of Veda containing the life guidance and also soul evolution. Veda is the vision of god to holy man called Rsi in the past, and compiled by Maharsi Wyasa which is also known as Hyang Kresnadwipayana, with the assistance of his students: Rsi Pulaha (Paila) who compiled Rg Veda, Rsi Jaimini compiled Sama Veda, Rsi Waisampayana compiled Yajur Veda, and Rsi Sumantu who compiled Atharwa Veda. The development of this theory happened in the valley of holy river ‘Sindhu’, located in Bhatarawarsa, India. The theory of Veda generally guides us to believe in five things:

1. Brahman, believe in the mighty God and all of the aspects.
2. Atman, believe in soul which is the spirit that makes the creatures alive.
3. Karmaphala, believe in the law of cause and consequence of everything we do.
4. Punarbhawa, believe in reincarnation.
5. Moksa, believe in eternal happiness, the unification of the soul with the mighty god.

Furthermore, the development of the theory of Veda in India was divided into four period, they were:
   1. Veda period (2500 BC) Veda was started to be taught to the Arya people and then began to spread
       in the valley of Gangga and Yamuna. In this period, the theory of yoga was centralized on the
       sense of devotion towards God. Worship was the main characteristic of the application of this Yoga.
       At that time, people really hanged themselves on God, not because of afraid, but it was caused
       by their sense of whole-hearted devotion.
   2. Brahmana period (1000 BC) At this time the application of Yoga was centralized on whole-hearted
       sacrifices or offerings. There was a belief that holy offerings would bring the supernatural power of
       god to protect the human being. Then, various kinds of ceremonies based on the need and situation
       began to appear. It aimed to vibrate the balance of this world.
   3. Upanisad period (800 BC) Upanisad itself means sit near to teacher. At this period the theory of
       Yoga began to be taught by the holy men (teachers). The people started to bring themselves closer
       to the teacher to practice Yoga and Spiritual. They started to learn about God and all of his
       creations through thinking capacity and synthesis analysis. People wanted to know what god is and
       why should we be in this world. What is that for? The people tried to understand about the essence
       of life in the world.
   4. Tantrayana period (600 BC) At this period, the theory of Yoga was centralized on supernatural
       power. People yearned for the power owned by the god and wanted it to be theirs. They want to be
       as powerful as the god. That was why, the practice of Yoga and all its branches then appeared.
       At this time, Siwa and and supernatural power became the object of the Yoga practice.
       The spreading of Yoga from India to Indonesia was handled by Maha Rsi Agastya who came from
       Kasi, Benares, India. The spreading of Yoga in Indonesia couldn’t be separated from the history of
       the kingdoms in Indonesia, such as:
              • The kingdom of Kutai, with the king named Mulawarman, the son of Aswawarman, the
                 grandson of Kudungga in the year of 400.
              • The kingdom of Tarumanegara in west Java including the area of Bogor, Jakarta, and
                 Banten/ Lebak Munjul, with the king named Purnawarman in the year of 400-500.
              • The kingdom of Kalingga in the middle part of Java with the queen named Ratu Sima in the                  year of 650.
              • The kingdom of Sriwijaya in Sumatra, with the king named Hyang Sri Jayanasa in the year
                 of 684.
              • The kingdom of Mataram in the middle part of Java with the king named Sanjaya in the year
                 of 732.
              • The kingdom of Kanjuruhan in Dinoyo village, Malang, East Java with the king named
                 Dewasimha in the year of 760.
              • The kingdom of Isanawangsa in East Java with the king named King Sindok in the year of
                 929-947. The other kings were Dharmawangsa in the year of 991-1016, and Airlangga in the
                 year of 1019-1042.
              • The kingdom of Kediri with the last king named Kertajaya in the year of 1042-1222.
              • The kingdom of Singhasari which was located in Malang in the year of 1222-1292, with the
                 kings started from Tunggul Ametung, Ken arok, Anusapati, Tohjaya, Ranggawuni,
                 and Kertanegara.
              • The kingdom of Majapahit in the year of 1293-1528 with the kings named Kertarajasa
                 Jayawardana, Jayanegara, Tribhuwanattunggadewi, and Rajasanegara Wikramawardhana.
              • The kingdom of Pajajaran in Cibadak, Sukabumi in the year of 1521-1579 with the last king
                 named Prabu ratu Dewata.

The development of Yoga until it reached Bali
It is mentioned in the history that Bali and Seleparang which is now famous as Lombok were floating. That was why at that time Bali was known as Nusa kambangan which means the floating island. Hyang Pasupati, a yogi from East Java pitied the condition of Bali which was very poor. He then meditated to ask for help from Bedawangnala ( a giant turtle), a dragon named Ananta Boga with the kundalini power from the water, a dragon named Taksaka with the kundalini power from the air, and the dragon named Basukih with the kundalini power from fire to move the part of Semeru mountain to Bali and Lombok. In Bali it became Agung Mountain, and in Lombok became Rinjani Mountain. It happened in the year of 89. In the year of 109, Hyang Pasupati asked his children, Betara Hyang Genijaya, Betara Hyang Putranjaya, and Betari Hyang Dewi Danuh to go to Bali and keep the island in balance and harmony. Betara Hyang Genijaya lived in Lempuyang mountain which is now becomes Lempuyang temple, Betara Hyang Putranjaya lived in Agung mountain which is now named Besakih temple, and Betari Hyang Dewi Danu hived in Ulun Danu Batur, which is known as Ulun Danu Batur temple. As they came to Bali, the condition of Bali was getting better. Then the other Hyang from Java also came to Bali, they were : Hyang Tenuwuh lived in Batukaru mountain which is now becomes batukaru temple, Betara Manik Gumawang lived in Beratan mountain Bedugul, Betara Manik Galang in Pejeng, and also Betara Hyang Tugu lived in Andakasa mountain which is now called Andakasa temple.
Furthermore, Rsi Markandya meditated in the area of Demalung, Dieng Mountain. He then went to east and meditated in Raung Mountain, East Java with his 400 followers. He went to Bali to save the island, he went directly to Agung Mountain but unfortunately all of his followers died because of disease. Facing that fact, he returned to Raung Mountain and started to meditate again. After that, with 8oo followers he went to Bali again. He went to Tohlangkir which is now called Besakih. In his meditation, he got a vision from god to plant Panca Datu or five kinds of metals if he wanted his followers to be safe. Panca Datu are just like an antenna which is planted to access the energy of the entire world in order to keep it in balance. This ritual is still done until now in Bali. After doing this ritual, he continued his journey to the west in the area of Ubad which is now named Ubud. He was so attracted with the situation of this place; so that he chose this place as the first place he spread his theory. As the symbol of his origin, in the area of Taro, in the north of Ubud he built a temple named Gunung Raung temple which has the same name with the mountain in east Java. In the south of that temple, in the area of Payogan village he built a place for meditating and practicing yoga named Pucak Payogan temple (it is the place where Guru Made Sumantra was born). And in the area of Campuhan Ubud he built Gunung Lebah temple. It is also mentioned in the history that there were so many holy men (Rsi) from Java came to Bali in order to help the spiritual and peacefulness of Bali. All of the Rsi also spread the theory of Yoga. As the result, many ideologies of Yoga with various backgrounds such as Hindu, Buddha, Shinto and Tao then appeared. Those ideologies then melted and united, so that a unique Yoga named Ancient Bali Yoga came into being. The spreading of Yoga couldn’t also be separated from the protection of the kings in Bali as what happened in the land of Java. Those kings were:

• Sri Kesari warmadewa in Bedahulu in the year of 882-915.
• Sri Ugrasena Warmadewa in the area of Bedahulu and Tampak Siring in the year of 915-942.
• Sri Candrabhaya Singha Warmadewa in the year of 942-991.
• Sri Dharma Udhayana warmadewa, in the year of 991-1018.
• Sri Whardana Markata pangkaja Tunggadewa in Gunung Kawi Tampak Siring in the year
  of 1018-1049.
• Sri Aji Hungsu in Gunung kawi Tampak Siring in the year of 1049-1077.
• Ratu Sakalindhu Kirana in Gunung Kawi Tampak Siring in the year of 1077-1101.
• Sri Suradipha in Gunung Kawi Tampak Siring in the year of 1101-1119.
• Sri Jayasakti in Gunung Kawi Tampak Siring in the year of 1119-1150.
• Sri Jaya Pangus in Dharma Anyar asceticism in the year of 1150-1181.
• Sri Hekajaya in Bedahulu in the year of 1181-1200.
• Sri Dhanadhiraja in Bedahulu in the year of 1200-1204.
• Sri Masula Masuli in Bedahulu in the year of 1284-1328.
• Sri Yapolung in the year of 1328-1343, and finally the kingdom of Bali was attacked by the
  kingdom of Majapahit. At this time, Gajah Mada proclaimed Palapa oath.
• Dalem Ketut Kresna kepakisan in the year of 1352-1380. At this time, Bali was defeated by
  Gajah Mada and finally he chose Dalem ketut Kresna Kepakisan as a king.
• Dalem Ketut Smara Kepakisan in Gelgel, Klungkung in the year of 1380-1560.
• Ratu Sakalindhu Kirana in Gunung Kawi Tampak Siring in the year of 1077-1101.
• Sri Waturenggong in the year of 1458-1550. At this time, then Danghyang Nirartha from
  Majapahit came to Bali to spread his Yoga theory until he reached Lombok and Sumbawa
  Island. He owned an ashram in Mas village, Ubud Bali. He then built several temples around
  Bali, such as : Purancak and Rambut Siwi temple in Negara, Pulaki and Ponjok Batu temple
  in Buleleng, Tanah lot temple in Tabanan, Peti tenget temple in Kuta, Uluwatu temple in
  Badung, Air jeruk temple in Mas Ubud, and also Batu Klotok temple in Klungkung. After that,
  Hyang Dwijendra and Asthapaka from Blambangan, east Java also came to spread the theory
  of Buddha Mahayana Yoga. They lived in Serangan Island with the temple named Sakenan
  temple. Then, they moved to Karang asem Budha Keling. Until now, the Balinese people are
  still discipline and obedient in practicing the theory given by their ancestors.

The Yoga programs which are taught in Balinese yoga aim to reach the peacefulness and harmony in life, not only inside our body, but also in world society and in heaven. Reaching what is called Moksartham Jagadhita Ya ca Ithi Dharma (reaching mental and physical happiness). It is based on the attitude of Tat Twam Asi (realizing that all of the creatures are the creation of god) and practicing Tri Kaya Parisudha (think positively, talk positively, and act positively), balancing and harmonizing the law of Rwa Binedha (the Balinese concept of dualism). The Yoga programs taught are Balinese Hatha Yoga, Balinese Tantra Yoga, Balinese Karma Yoga, Balinese Bhakti Yoga, Balinese Mantra Yoga, Balinese Yantra Yoga, and Balinese Jnana Yoga based on the culture of Indonesian archipelago and the discipline of Asthangga Yoga. In the teaching practice, it will be emphazised on the discipline of Tapa, Brata, Yoga and Semadi with high level of self control.
Dasa Vayu Yoga Healing Retreat (3 days)
Dasa Vayu are the vital energies of the world which are centralized in 10 directions of this world. These vital energies are connected with the vital organs in our body. These energies are connected with our organs and the world. If the flow of these energies is disturbed, our health will also be disturbed. That is why, we need to learn and practice how to keep the harmony of these energies. Guru Made (I Made Sumantra) will teach a practical way about Dasa Vayu in 3 days retreat program. The benefits after attending this training program are:    
• Our energy will be directly purified from negative disturbance, our inner energy will be aroused,
  the energy in our body will be harmonized with the cosmic energy, and our body can be kept in
  healthy condition.
• We will be able to heal ourselves from physical and non-physical disease.
• We will also be able to heal the other people by accessing Dasa Vayu of the cosmic.    
The first day
8 AM – 10 AM
3 PM – 5 PM
8 PM – Finish
The second day
8 AM – 10 AM
3 PM – 5 PM
The third day
8 AM – 10 AM
3 PM – 5 PM
8 PM – Finish    
: Practicing Asana and Bandha as the preparation for Kundalini.
: Practicing the Tri Murti triangle breathing.
: Initiation, pray for Kundalini’s mercy at Guru Made’s house.
: Training Pratyahara to activate the supernatural Kundalini spell.
: Connecting the Kundalini in our body with the cosmic Kundalini.
: Training to heal ourselves from the Kundalini syndrome and to heal any kinds of
  disease through the Kundalini power.
: Training to heal anyone else through the Kundalini power.
: Delivering sertificate.
    For the development of the program will be adjusted with the situation and condition.
Price : Rp. 1.500.000
The schedule of workshop is adjusted with the demand. Please contact Guru Made Sumantra to make a schedule appointment.
The price is not including home stay or hotel.
Kundalini Yoga Healing Retreat (3 days)
Kundalini is the supernatural energy of the mighty god which reside in the body of every creatures. This supernatural energy will help the spiritual side of our lives. On the other hand, it will be able to seriously attack our health and also the emotional and mental health which is known as Kundalini syndrome. In order to avoid this kind of problem and to help the other people who face this problem, Guru Made
(I Made Sumantra) will teach a practical way about the technique of Kundalini initiation, the technique of healing through Kundalini for ourselves and others in 3 days retreat program. The benefits after attending this training program are:    
    • Our Kundalini energy will directly purify all of our chakra from negative energy, our Chakra energy
  will be increased in order to keep our physical, emotional, and mental energy in balance.
• We will be able to heal ourselves from physical and non-physical disease through Kundalini energy.
• We will also be able to heal the other people through our and the other’s Kundalini energy.    
The first day
8 AM – 10 AM
3 PM – 5 PM
8 PM – Finish
The second day
8 AM – 10 AM
3 PM – 5 PM
The third day
8 AM – 10 AM
3 PM – 5 PM
8 PM – Finish    
: Practicing Asana and Bandha as the preparation for Kundalini.
: Practicing the Tri Murti triangle breathing.
: Initiation, pray for Kundalini’s mercy at Guru Made’s house.
: Training Pratyahara to activate the supernatural Kundalini spell.
: Connecting the Kundalini in our body with the cosmic Kundalini.
: Training to heal ourselves from the Kundalini syndrome and to heal any kinds of
  disease through the Kundalini power.
: Training to heal anyone else through the Kundalini power.
: Delivering sertificate.
    For the development of the program will be adjusted with the situation and condition.
Price : Rp. 1.500.000
The schedule of workshop is adjusted with the demand. Please contact Guru Made Sumantra to make a schedule appointment.
The price is not including home stay or hotel.
Balinese Yoga Retreat Centre
Windhu Siwa Yoga Foundation
Balinese International Yoga
Guru Made Sumantra
Address: Lungsiakan main road, Kedewatan, Ubud, Gianyar, Bali, Indonesia
Phone : 62-(0361) 975650
HP : 087861187825
E-mail :

               Yayasan Windu Siwa Yoga (Yoga Class) offers yoga teacher training & certification
at our Balinese Yoga Retreat Centre in Ubud, Bali, Indonesia. Jalan Raya Lungsiakan, Kedewatan, near Sanggingan.


Your yoga teacher training at Yayasan Windu Siwa Yoga emphasize yoga practice and teaching skills, including organizing a class, creating confidence, and making postural corrections. You will learn Classical Balinese Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Tantra Yoga, Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Mantra Yoga, Yantra Yoga, Jnana Yoga.



Becoming a yoga teacher is a unique opportunity to profoundly touch your students’s lives. What makes yoga so effective, beyond the technical instructions, is that which you, the yoga teacher, bring to the class. The beautiful desert and ocean setting, asana, mindfulness and meditation practice, group work, satsang, and kirtan all function together to provide the conditions in which you can experience
authentic personal growth." height="456" width="608">


Balinese Yoga Curriculum

Balinese Yoga Curriculum Teacher Training
Introduction To Course
Starting Prayer
Definition of Yoga
Panca Sradha, Tri Hita Karana, Trikaya Parisudha

An Balinese Cosmology
Overview of the Content The Elements of Each Lesson.

Nyurya Sewana, Panca Sembah( Prepare to Conection with Cosmic.
Explanation abouth Yoga, Hatha, Tantra, Karma, Bhakti, Mantra, Yantra, Jnana.

Commonalities in all Balinese Spiritual Traditions.

Tri Mandala, Tri Hita Karana, Tri Murti.

Learning Program:
Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7
Day 8

Day 9
Day 10

Explanation Chakra Muladara, Hatha Yoga Practice, Meditation for Chakra Muladara. 
Practice about Pawanmuktasana group ( Anti Rheumatic group, Digestive/Abdominal Group, Shakti Bandha Asana), Pranayama and Mudra technique for Muladara.

Explanation Chakra Swadistana, Tantra Yoga Practice, Meditation for Chakra Swadistana.
Practice about Padmasana and Vajrasana group Asana, Pranayama and Mudra technique for Swadistana.

Explanation Chakra Manipura, Karma Yoga Practice, Meditation for Chakra Manipura.
Practice about Bakward Bending and Forward Bending Asana group, Spinal Twisting Asana, Pranayama and Mudra technique for Manipura.

Explanation Chakra Anahata, Bhakti Yoga Practice, Meditation for Chakra Anahata.
Practice about Surya Namaskar And Chandra Namaskar, Pranayama and Mudra technique for Anahata.

Explanation Chakra Wishuda, Mantra Yoga Practice, Meditation for Chakra Wishuda.
Practice about Standing Asana, Meditation Asana and relaxation Asana, Pranayama and Mudra technique for Wishuda.

Explanation Chakra Agna, Yantra Yoga Practice, Meditation for Chakra Agna.
Practice about Yoga exercise for eyes, Ballancing group asana, Pranayama and Mudra technique for Agna.

Explanation Chakra Sahasrara, Jnana Yoga Practice, Meditation for Chakra Sahasrara.
Practice about Waringin Sungsang Group Asana, Pranayama and Mudra technique for Sahasrara.

Explanation abouth Energy, Kundalini, Panca Kosha, Panca Vayu. Bandha Training.
Metodology teaching skill, Making curriculum, Organiser Class.
Practice teaching class.

Yoga Healing, learning Therapeutic with Yoga, Practice Teaching class, and Practice making curriculum.

Final program, Taksu Ritual, And Give Sertificate.

Cost for teacher training retreat:  US$1350 per person twin share and
                                                     US$1900 per person single supplement

All Inclusive Program
- Transportation from/to Airport / South Bali
- 10-night accommodation in the heart of Ubud town.

- Purification at Tirta Empul temple, holy spring water Temple

- Government tax and service

Schdule Teacher Training 2010



: 10 - 20
  21 - 31



: 05 - 15
  20 - 30



: 05 - 15
  20 - 30



: 05 - 15
  20 - 30



: 05 - 15
  20 - 30

  " height="1" width="609">

We look forward to sharing our love of yoga with you.

Yoga Certification Courses

Yayasan Windu Siwa Yoga  is pleased to offer their yoga teacher training courses at a beautiful Yoga Studio retreat on the of Ubud, Bali Indonesia. The combination of nature, make it the perfect place for your certification training..


Teacher Training School

Yayasan Windu Siwa yoga , Yoga Teacher Training School emphasizes safe, effective, and inspiring teaching methods which prepare you to be a confident and competent instructor. We offer excellent training in teaching skills, planning a class, communication skills, creating confidence, and posture corrections. The program also offers instruction and experience in how to live the yogic lifestyle - enhancing personal health and centeredness through yoga." height="1" width="609">
Bali Yoga Teacher Training September 2007" height="375" width="500">" height="375" width="500">" height="375" width="500">" height="1" width="609">
Bali Yoga Teacher Training September 2008" height="375" width="500">" height="375" width="500">" height="375" width="500">" height="375" width="500">" height="375" width="500">" height="1" width="609">
Bali Yoga Teacher Training August 2009" height="375" width="500">" height="375" width="500">" height="375" width="500">" height="1" width="609">
Bali Yoga Teacher Training July 2010" height="375" width="500">" height="375" width="500">" height="375" width="500">" height="375" width="500">" height="1" width="609">

Balinese Yoga Teacher.

I Made Sumantra

The recognition and preservation of places of great spiritual power has been a pursuit of the Balinese people for centuries. As a fifth generation Balinese healer, I Made Sumantra has been in contact with this great energy all his life. His guidance in a wide range personal growth experiences is tailored to the needs of each individual. He incorporates the entire spiritual resources of Bali–holy springs, sacred valleys and mountains, temples and ceremonies – using the places and techniques which are necessary to achieve a realization of each individual’s personal goals." height="456" width="608">

Balinese Yoga Retreat Centre
Yayasan Windhu Siwa Yoga
Balinese Internasional Yoga.
Guru Made Sumantra.

Alamat/ Address: Jalan Raya Lungsiakan, Kedewatan, Ubud, Gianyar, Bali. Indonesia.
Telpon :62- (0361) 975650
Hp: 087861187825
Agung Fajar Irawan
26 Agustus 2011
Guru matur suxma atas sgala2nya
salam ring kluarga di Bali
darinegri kincir angin

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