Tangggal iklan:
Kota: Jakarta Barat
Merk: geologi
Tipe: geologi brunton 5006
Kondisi: Baru
Compass Brunton 5006
The International design effectively reduces needle "dip" when professionals travel to different hemispheres of the globe. Powerful Alnico V magnets are mounted to a polished, cupped sapphire jewel bearing, allowing for smooth needle movement.
Features of both International Pocket Transits:
Untuk informasi dan pemesanan,Kunjungi Alamat Kami :
TOKO: Gedung ROXY SQUARE,Lt.LG , Blok B9,N0.21
Jl.Kiyai Tapa no.1 , GROGOL ,JAKARTA BARAT 11440
contact person : Iyon
telp: 021-5695 3999
Pin BB : 2BF50115
Telepon Satelite Isatphone 2 Harga Murah & Terjangkau
Rp 16.500.000
Telepon Satelite Iridium 9575 Harga Murah & Terjangkau
Rp 27.500.000
Telepon Satelite Iridium 9555 Harga Murah & Terjangkau
Rp 25.500.000