Tangggal iklan:
Kota: Jakarta Utara
Merk: Yamaha
Tipe: EMX312SC
Kondisi: Baru
Experienced musicians, performers, speakers, and club operators know the importance of a high-quality sound system with the right features and performance to deliver their sound. Where portability and convenience are important criteria, a system based on a high-performance Yamaha EMX-series powered mixer is definitely the way to go. In one integrated, portable unit you have a mixer to combine and balance your microphone and instrument and line sources, effects to refine and polish your sound, and power to drive the main speakers and even monitor speakers as well. But that's nowhere near the whole story - Yamaha EMX-series Powered Mixers offer a range of features that let you mix, process, and deliver your sound with maximum quality and creative control and, of course, that unrivalled Yamaha sound.
NB : Harga tidak mengikat sewaktu-waktu dapat berubah tampa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu!
So, tunggu apa lagi? Pesan sekarang juga..! Ga akan nyesel ko
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Note! : hati - hati dengan toko online yang tidak menyertakan alamat jelas atau tidak bisa dikunjungi toko fisiknya, karena banyak kasus penipuan yang marak di dunia online. Silahkan kunjungi showroom kami apabila anda ingin mencoba produk tersebut, kami juga memiliki banyak varian microphone alat musik speaker dan pro audio lainnya.