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Kota: jakarta
Kondisi: Baru
Nama: yohan
Terdaftar sejak: 18 April 2012
Kaskus ID: mod8yohander
No Telpon: 3398-XXXX-XXXX
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Jual keyboard yamaha PSR S650 harga miring promo 2013 Rp 6.000.000 only garansi resmi 1 th!
melayani pembelian secara Cash, Transfer, Debit, Credit Card.
HUB. YOHAN 0818801520 / 33984385 / 4521719
HENDRA HP: 0898 898 1231
Office: (021) 4585 1012
Kami menjual berbagai model dan merk alat musik, keyboard, speaker, sound system, pro audio, paket meeting, paket outdoor dan indoor, lightning system, dan aksesoris dengan harga miring dan grosir!
website : or
Kunjungi Showroom Kami :
1. NAFIRI MUSIC (Jl. Bellyra Raya Blok K No. 6 Dekat Mal Kelapa Gading jakarta Utara)
2. PRIMANADA Music-Audio-Sound System (Ruko Inkopal Blok A/3 Gedung JNE lantai 2 Jl. Boulevard barat Kelapa Gading Jakarta Utara)
Voice & Style Expandability
Thanks to Yamaha’ s new Voice & Style Expansion contents for the PSR, players can take advantage of a wide and ever-increasing selection of regional, ethnic and traditional Voices and Styles. Load them to your PSR and instantly play authentic sounds, rhythm and backing in the musical style of your choice! * Expansion Packs will be available soon
Voice & Style Expansion
MegaVoice Technology
Drawing on technology from the famous Tyros series, MegaVoice technology brings a new level of realism to the PSR-S650. The MegaVoices feature various playing articulations, techniques and performance sounds. For example, guitar MegaVoices can have hammer-on, slide and mute sounds to go along with soft, medium and loud sounds with strumming and fret noise, all at the same time. Put it all together in a Yamaha Guitar-Enhanced Style and enjoy some of the most astonishingly realistic, expressive accompaniment you' ve ever heard!
Wide Selection of Voices & Styles
The PSR-S650 provides an exceptionally wide variety of realistic sounding Voices in all instrument categories. With a total of 359 amazingly authentic instrument Voices ( including 9 MegaVoices) , and 181 accompaniment Styles, you can enjoy regionally unique music— and have more fun.
Scale Tuning
You can configure the keyboard’ s tuning to match the music you' re playing with one of the nine preset custom tunings, like Arabic or Pythagorean - or by creating your own!
Untuk pemesanan di jakarta bisa Cash On Delivery (COD) biaya kirim Rp 30 rb - 50 rb untuk bodetabek Rp 75 rb - 100 rb (tergantung jarak)
Untuk pemesanan dari luar kota ongkos kirim ditanggung pembeli.
Rp 3.400.000
Rp 10.600.000
Rp 1.800.000
Rp 2.300.000
Rp 6.500.000