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Kota: jakarta pusat
Kondisi: Baru
Thermometer ASTM 5C Cloud & Pour Thermometer,-38 to 50C
Origin : BRAND AllA made in france
ASTM Number: 5C
Length: 9.0 (230), in (mm)
Immersion: 4.3 (108), in (mm)
Range: -38 to 50C
Division: 1.0C
The ASTM 5C Cloud & Pour Thermometer, -38 to 50C has a strict manufacturing tolerance. Accuracy is assured by inspection and testing of samples from each production run. The thermometer is supplied with a statement of compliance to E 1 and E 77 requirements. The ASTM Thermometer is yellow-backed glass with permanent graduations, mercury-filled and individually packed in a cardboard tube.
Nb: barang ringan,barang pecah belah packing lebih besar dan termasuk kubikasi