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Kota: Jakarta Pusat
Kondisi: Baru
Nama: Viria Asiva
Terdaftar sejak: 1 April 2015
Facebook: viria.asiva1
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The AlcoHAWK Slim was introduced in 2006 by Q3 Innovations at the Consumer Electronics Show to the AlcoHAWK Series line of digital breath alcohol testers. Operating on a single button, simply blow into the folding mouthpiece for an accurate BAC reading in seconds. The AlcoHAWK Slim also includes removable mouthpiece covers that allow you to test multiple individuals in a sanitary fashion. The sleek design also makes the AlcoHAWK Slim very compact and easy to carry for personal use. It is the ideal solution for someone looking for a portable tester with professional quality with a consumer design and feel. Meets DOT/NHTSA Model Specifications for Breath Alcohol Screeners. Has obtained FDA 510K Premarket Clearance.
The AlcoHAWK Slim includes three mouthpieces,owner's manual,quick start guide