Tangggal iklan:
Kota: jakarta pusat
Merk: crc
Tipe: 03130
Kondisi: Baru
Nama: Pt Tri Vi Teknik
Terdaftar sejak: 27 November 2014
Facebook: pttrivi.teknik
No Telpon: 021 -XXXX-XXXX
No Handphone: 0811-XXXX-XXXX
Kami menjual barang original brand CRC industri
Suitable for cleaning sensitive electronics and electrical equipment without leaving a residue. Evaporates quickly, leaves no residue and is safe to use on all plastics. Use where lower flashpoint cleaners are acceptable. NSF K2 Registered.
Telephones, PCs, relays, edge connectors, tape heads, busbars, circuits, contacts, printed circuit boards, switches & breakers.