Tangggal iklan:
Kota: Jakarta Pusat
Kondisi: Baru
Nama: Viria Asiva
Terdaftar sejak: 1 April 2015
Facebook: viria.asiva1
No Telpon: 0216-XXXX-XXXX
No Handphone: 0858-XXXX-XXXX
1, in order to avoid the zero level meter measurement error caused by inaccurate, so the use of the level meter before inspection or adjustment of zero.
2, the temperature change will produce errors measurement, testing or use of wind and heat source must be isolated, such as the use of ambient humidity and storage environment humidity different, you need to use the environment in a stable three hours before use.
3, the measurement must be completely still bubbles before reading.
4, the horizontal instrument after use,you must wipe clean the face,oiled,stored in a clean,dry place.