Tangggal iklan:
Kota: Jakarta Pusat
Kondisi: Baru
Nama: Viria Asiva
Terdaftar sejak: 1 April 2015
Facebook: viria.asiva1
No Telpon: 0216-XXXX-XXXX
No Handphone: 0858-XXXX-XXXX
Fast-curing formula. Sensor-safe, low odor, noncorrosive. Fills gaps of up to 0.25" when fully cured. Meets performance specs of OE silicone gaskets. Retains high flexibility, oil resistance properties through use of a patented adhesion system. Temperature range -65F to 500F (-54C to 260C) intermittent. Resists common fluids and excessive vibration.
Eliminate costly inventory of cut gaskets
Easily makes cut gaskets in all shapes and sizes
Increased oil resistance, non-corrosive
Metallic black
Use on rigid or flexible flanges
Temperature range -65F to 500F (-54C to 260C) intermittent