Tangggal iklan:
Kota: jakarta pusat
Kondisi: Baru
Nama: Pt Tri Vi Teknik
Terdaftar sejak: 27 November 2014
Facebook: pttrivi.teknik
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Permatex’s 500® High Heat Epoxy is the first and only high temperature liquid syringe epoxy! Ideal for surface repairs with high temperatures such as under-hood automotive & home repair. This high temperature epoxy withstands 2X higher temperatures compared to standard epoxies that traditionally breakdown at 250⁰F. Ideal for under-hood repairs where temperatures can range up at 400⁰F on a hot summer day.
Seal against many liquids, gasses and common automotive fluids
Ideal for under-hood automotive applications
Eliminates need to weld or braze
Sets in 10 minutes/ Cures in 2 hours
Bonds to metals, hard plastics, ceramics, glass rubber and more!