Tangggal iklan:
Kota: Kota Tangerang Selatan
Merk: pico
Tipe: pico gwd 20
Kondisi: Baru
Dengan tenaga ahli di bidangnya kami siap memberikan pelayanan terbaik ,kwalitas ,dan harga Untuk unit pico repeater sebelum dilakukan instalasi wajib di survai terlebih dahulu ,karena berbeda dengan repeater yang lain ,dan harga tidak mengikat Untuk penawaran terbaik silahkan hubungi kami ..
Huaptec Single Band Selective Digital Repeaters are designed to support one mobile system and help mobile operators to amplify mobile signals indoor areas where 70% of the mobile traffic has been generated. With SDR technology, the system can easily adjust the sub-band and the channels by software to adapt to the operators' requirement without any change on the hardware provides cell coverage for 2G(900MHZ),3G(2100MHZ),4G(1800MHZ) networks in the areas with poor or nosignal at all. 13dBm, 17dBm, 20dBm are available.
Multi operators' network can work on a single hardware platform of Huaptec and don't influence each other, can configure the sub band numbers and bandwidth according to the need.
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Pemesanan :ARDYGSM Hp : 085224873514 line / whassap .085224873514Id telegram : @penguatsinyalEmail / /
RIZKY SINYAL Hp : 083 148 261 072 line / whassap . 083 148 261 072 Email :