Tangggal iklan:
Kota: tangerang
Merk: PICO
Tipe: GW TB GWD 20 D GS
Kondisi: Baru
v Triple Band Independent Amplifier
v High Linearity Power Amplifier
v Auto Power Control
v Lower Weight & Small Size
v Homes
v Apartments, Hotels
v Basements
v Car parks
v Small offices
v Train, Bus, ect
v Blind or weak signal areas like underground business places, basements, underground parkings, etc.
v Blind or weak signal areas in the dense resident buildings.
v Small-size areas like meeting rooms, supermarket, scriptorium, small public areas.
v Heavy traffic and social public areas like internet bars, coffee shops, gym clubs, entertainment places.
v Elevators, especially where the cablesare difficult to be distributed.
Hp : 085224873514
line / whassap .085224873514
Id telegram : @penguatsinyal
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RIZKY SINYAL Hp : 083 148 261 072
line / whassap . 083 148 261 072
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