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Kota: Jakarta Pusat
Kondisi: Baru
Nama: Viria Asiva
Terdaftar sejak: 1 April 2015
Facebook: viria.asiva1
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Magnaflux Spotcheck,SKL-SP2 Solvent Removable Penetrant,
Spotcheck SKL-SP2 is a solvent removable penetrant offering maximum reliability in the detection of surface-open flaws and discontinuities.
Spotcheck SKL-SP2 is a solvent removable(or post emulsifiable) red color contrast penetrant with outstanding penetrating characteristics.It offers maximum reliability in locating surface-open flaws and discontinuities and has been successfully used on non-porous ceramics and other similar materials.
Spotcheck SKL-SP2 adalah penetran menawarkan pelarut dilepas maksimum keandalan dalam mendeteksi permukaan terbuka kekurangan dan diskontinuitas.
Spotcheck SKL-SP2 adalah removable pelarut (atau kirim diemulsikan) warna merah kontras dengan penetran characteristics.It penetrasi yang luar biasa menawarkan keandalan maksimum dalam menemukan permukaan terbuka kekurangan dan diskontinuitas dan telah berhasil digunakan pada non-porous keramik dan bahan sejenis
Specifications Compliance:
AMS-2644,AECL,ASME B & PV Code Sec V,ASTM E1417,MIL-STD 2132,ASTM E165,MIL-STD-271,
Available in 16 oz. aerosol cans
Applications: Welds,Forgings,Pressure Vessels,Castings,General Metal Work,Leak Testing,Power Plant,Construction.
Classification:Type 2, Method B,C or D
Temperature:SKL-SP2 should be used at temperatures between 40 F to 125 F.