Jual !! Hammer Test Proceq Type N Original Schmidt !! Tangsel

Tangerang Selatan 25 Agustus 2016


Rp 230.000

Tangggal iklan:

Kota: Tangerang Selatan

Merk: Poceq

Tipe: type N original

Kondisi: Baru


Nama: Rifky

Terdaftar sejak: 27 Juli 2016

Status: Rifky

No Telpon: 0853-XXXX-XXXX

No Handphone: 0853-XXXX-XXXX

Description :

The quality of concrete is mainly judged by its compressive strength directly affecting the load-bearing capacity and durability of concrete structures. Proceq invented the Original Schmidt, the world’s first and now most widely used test hammer for analyzing the compressive strength of concrete properties.

The Original Schmidt will hit the concrete at a defined energy whereas its rebound is dependent on the hardness of the concrete and is measured by the instrument. The Original Schmidt is available in models with different impact energies. Each test hammer is designed for a specific test application, in order to meet the needs of the customers to investigate a wide range of material types and sizes, such as bridge decks, thin walls, cast stone components or small components.


    Type N Original Schmidt: Rebound values are read from a scale for subsequent calculation of the mean. Compressive strength values  can be read from a conversion diagram

    Type NR Original Schmidt: Rebound values are recorded as a bar chart on a paper strip which has a capacity for 4’000 test impacts

    Type L Original Schmidt: Handling equals type N, but the type L offers an impact energy three times smaller

    Type LR Original Schmidt: Handling equals type NR, but with impact energy three times smaller. The LR also features a paper strip for recording up to 4’000 test impacts without reloading

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Office :


Jalan Cipto Mangunkusumo ( H.Mencong ) , Mahkota Simprug Blok B14 No. 6 Tangerang selatan, 15154

Dengan harga bersaing di pasaran dan Bergaransi resmi selama 1 Tahun

Untuk Pemesanan dan Informasi Harga Terbaik, Hubungi :

Rifky Faisal Bahri

Phone : 085353410506 / 089618877628 /  082216069899

PIN BB : 524F3879

Email : rifkifaisal93@gmail.com / rifky.gps93@gmail.com

Fax  : 021-29040157

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