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Kondisi: Baru
Nama: euroteknologi
Terdaftar sejak: 31 Agustus 2013
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Spesialist Marine Navigation and Marine Communication
- Spesial price
* Gyro Compass Tokyo Keiki GM-20
Locating directions on the high seas is fundamental to navigation.
Our ancestors relied on the stars, but today we measure the direction aboard ship in the following ways.
* Celestial observation (the sun and the polar star)
* Magnetic compasses
* Electro-magnetic compasses
* Gyrocompasses
Of these, the primary instrument for locating directions is the gyrocompass.
Each method has its own strengths and weaknesses, but the gyrocompass can be widely used in all types of vessels, from small boats to large ships. The main features of the gyrocompass are:
* It correctly indicates the direction.
* It can serially output directional signals to other equipment.
* It can be placed anywhere.
* It is not affected by the ship's magnetic compass or other disturbances.
TOKYO KEIKI Gyrocompasses
* Since acquiring manufacturing rights for the gyrocompass from Sperry Company in 1918, we have been pioneers in
supplying every type of gyrocompasses for almost 80 years.
* We have become world leader in the market and owe this to our dedication in achieving the highest standards
of 'precision', 'reliability', 'price', and 'service' in our products - fundamentals which still guide us.
Sedia juga :
- Berbagai macam type Gps Garmin
- Alat survey
- Telepon Satellite
- Kompas
- Teropong
- Penguat Sinyal Hp
- HT dan Radio RIG
Dapatkan Harga Terbaik dan Bersaing :
Gedung Wisma Abadi Lantai 4 No. B5
Jl. Kyai Caringin No. 29 – 31
Jakarta Pusat – 10160
Contac person : Ahmad Euro
Telp : 021 38 900 408 / (021) 34830867 / (021) 68688877
Fax : (021) 34830868
Web :
Radar Marine Furuno 1945 At Euro Teknologi
Rp 65.000.000
PT.Euro Teknologi Sedia : Radar Marine Samyung SMR-3700
Rp 43.000.000
Kiki Jual Radar Marine Furuno 1623 Hub 38900408
Rp 25.000.000
PT.Euro Teknologi Sedia : Radar Marine Furuno 1623
Rp 25.000.000
Rp 3.500.000