Glass Thermometers,Thermometers

Jakarta Pusat 28 Mei 2015


Rp 495.000

Tangggal iklan:

Kota: Jakarta Pusat

Kondisi: Baru


Viria Asiva

Terdaftar sejak: 1 April 2015

Status: Viria Asiva

Facebook: viria.asiva1

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No Handphone: 0858-XXXX-XXXX

Safe Thermometers BIO TEMP,solid stem Safe Thermometers - BIO-TEMP - Bottle-base - Teflon coating Safe Thermometer - BIO-TEMP - demonstration type Solid stem thermometers for daily use - Mercury filled Solid stem Thermometers for daily use - Red liquid filled Precision type Thermometers - Mercury filled Precision type Thermometers - Red liquid filled Normalized thermometers : ISO 653 - DIN 12775 - NF 35502 - BS 5074 Normalized thermometers : ISO 1770 - DIN 12778 - NF 35506 - BS 1704 Normalized Thermometers ISO 651 - NFB 35508 Normalized ASTM Thermometers IP Thermometers Maximum thermometers for swinging Internal scale thermometers - Mercury Filled Internal scale thermometers - Red liquid Filled Adjustable contact thermometers Industrial thermometers - Red liquid filled Industrial thermometers - ,Mercury filled Accessories for glass thermometers Traceable Calibration Certificate

Glass thermometers ,Digital thermometers, Digital timers ,Infra-red thermometers, pH-Meters, Medical thermometers ,Other Thermometers ,Glass hydrometers, Refractometers Pipetting and cylinders ,For the catering industry, For agriculture, gardens and animal husbandry For distilleries and wine industry - Professional line, For the wine and beer making - Hobby line, Battery and antifreeze testers, Accessories for aquariophily,Industrial laboratoriesPetroleum laboratories,Dairy laboratories,Research centers,Education,Farm produce,Catering and Cooking accessories,Animal Husbandry,Wine industry,Automobile industry,Refrigeration industry,Aquarium instruments,Photography,Printing

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