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Kota: jakarta pusat
Kondisi: Baru
Nama: Pt Tri Vi Teknik
Terdaftar sejak: 27 November 2014
Facebook: pttrivi.teknik
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Epoxy berbahan sepert karet yang sangat cocok untuk menambal permukaan karet seperti conveyor belt yang robek,bolong atau melapisi permukaan yang kasar pada konveyor belt.
Devcon R-Flex is formulated to quickly repair tears, holes and gouges as well as protecting clips in styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) heavy weight conveyor belts. Offering excellent abrasion resistance as well as superior adhesion, the R-Flex® urethane compound is easy to mix and cures quickly — the repaired belt can be back in service just 90 minutes after application.
Devcon R-Flex is a self-levelling liquid urethane that in minutes turns into a non-sag putty for belt repairs.