Alcohol Thermometer,AllaFrance,kesller,zeal,brand,ASTM Thermometers,Glass Thermometers,Mercury Fille

Jakarta Pusat 28 Mei 2015


Rp 375.000

Tangggal iklan:

Kota: Jakarta Pusat

Kondisi: Baru


Viria Asiva

Terdaftar sejak: 1 April 2015

Status: Viria Asiva

Facebook: viria.asiva1

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Unit Degree Farenheit available for several Series of Thermometer.

ASTM:American Standard Testing Materials,USA

Printed Scale:Even for the more accurate products,the scale is no longer engraved but printed

Note:Most of the thermometers supplied by our competitors are still engraved and as such do not resist to solvents or other chemical products.With time,the graduation becomes unreadable.

Scale resistance:The graduation resists to all chemical products except fluoridric acid and hot soda ( to a lesser extent) because these 2 products attack the glass.

Calibration:Out master traceable to the MRA and ILAC are the first instruments controlled every year. More than 68 countries are traceable with our official master.

Traceability:Every standard thermometer has an individual number printed on the back. This number is stocked in our database and fully traceable to our primary MRA master.

Marking:The thermometer is fully marked on the back with the ASTM & IP N, the purpose and ASTM or IP method.

Colour of the glass:The colour of the glass is standardised in yellow, giving a much better reading than white backed instruments, particularly as concerns mercury filled thermometers,as white glass is usually less expensive than yellow.

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